白板 No.99: from + 受動態動名詞お久しぶりです。今日はキッチリ英語のお話です。おなじみの白板には、次のように書かれています:The purpose of the event
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ビジネス英語ライティングアカデミー教室より: With virtual reality 様態を表す with と仮定法白板には、 1.If spring
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No.97 like at the time: フロイトの云う「無意識: イド」の領域とは 白板には、 When Nicolas went back to visit his hometown,
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BEWA 講義より抜粋:副詞句、副詞節、形容詞節 白板には、 1) The machines were severely damaged becau
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BEWA授業より抜粋We would appreciate と We appreciate の違い、白板には、 1.We would appreciate it if you would send
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実際のBEWA講義より抜粋 The word "placebo" was originally used to refer to popular medicines that c
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ビジネス英語ライティングアカデミー(BEWA)講義よりWe are sorry for the invonvenience you have been put to.「御社が被られた不便さを申し訳なく
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are forced to decline further orders に就いて?Owing to production difficultsies, we are forced to declin
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サンプル送付 総括これまで、1.We will send you some samples of our new products which may be of interest to you.2.
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products you may be interested in とは?ます、1.We will send you some samples of our new products which ma
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