BEWA 講義より抜粋:副詞句、副詞節、形容詞節
1) The machines were severely damaged
because of the haevy rain which flooded the factory.
because of the heavy rain which flooded the factory は were severely damaged
に掛かる副詞節です。此処で which flooded the factory は rain に掛かる形容詞節です。処で、英文を、
2) The machines were severely damaged
because the rain heavily flooded the factory.
と、すれば because は接続詞、because the rain heavily flooded the factory は、
副詞節となります。此処で because は接続詞、
because the rain heavily flooded the factory は副詞節で were severely dameged の動詞句を修飾しています。
1) も 2) も英文全体は SV 文型、共に The machines が主語(S)、were damaged が動詞句 V)、
severely は were damaged を修飾する副詞です。