板書には:We have to point out that your products are priced too high for this market.
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板書には:Nowhere does France come as near to England as at the Straight of Dover.France does not come a
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板書には:We are sorry for the inconvenience you have been put to.
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白板はBEWA講義のまま、次の様に書かれています。 1)How do you like your coffee? 2)I like my coffee with a lot of milk and s
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お久しぶりです。白板には次の様に書かれています。 1)The soccer game is to be opened rain or shine. 「サッカーの試合は晴雨に係らず開催されます」此処で、
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今日は 1) I heard him enter the room.と 2) I heard that he entered the room.の各々の英文の関係者(登場者)に就いて考えてみたいと思
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今日は、次の英文の説明をしたいと思います。 I hear it said that being young is wonderful.此の英文の文型は、 I hear it said
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板書には: × Exercise is my stress management. ○ I exercise to releave stress.と、書かれています。 × Exercise is m
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板書には: × A man is walking with listening to music. ○ A man is walking listening to music. ○ A man is
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板書には: 道昭而不道 『道は昭らかなれば而ち道ならず』 A way seen clear and bright couldn’t be the way that should be.と、書かれていま
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