今回はquotation と estimate の違いに就いてお話してみたいと思います。
Longman (LDOCE) で quotation を引くと:
2 a written statement of exactly how much money something will cost:
◆Get a couple of quotations from different companies before you decide which one to use.
◆Ask the builder to give you a written quotation for the job.
◆a quotation for car insurance
Longman で estimate を引くと:
1 a calculation of the value, size, amount etc of something:
◆The figure will only be about two million, less than half the original estimate.
◆Some estimates put the number of deaths at several hundred.
2 a statement of how much it will probably cost to build or repair something:
◆The garage said they’d send me an estimate for the work.
Longman で priceを引くと:
1 the amount of money you have to pay for something:
◆People are prepared to pay high prices for designer clothes.
◆They have cut the price of their products by almost 30 per cent.
◆Tesco is selling two bottles of champagne for the price of one!
支払うべき対価とは即ち price (価格)であり、quotation (正確な見積もり)にしても estimate (粗い見積もり)にしても、支払額に就いて合意に至れば、其れにて対価を弁済する price(価格)となります。
quotation も estimate も英和辞典を引けば共に『見積もり』、其処から生じる意味合いは凡そ曖昧模糊としたもの。混同を避けるため、私は quotation に就いては『提示価』、estimate は其のまま『見積もり』と表していますが、 国際取引の現場では、quotation も estimate も offer『オファー』同様に、寧ろそのまま『コーテーション』そして『エスティメート』と呼ぶ方が宜しいように思われます。