
No.9: 総括, 動詞由来の形容詞 (分詞) について

これまで、ブログNo.1~4.satisfied とsatisfying、No.5.interested とinteresting、No.6 shocked とshocking、No.7 surprised と surprising、No.8 pleased とPleasing に関し8つのブログを発表してまいりました。今日はこれらを総括致します。
A) satisfied と satisfying:
 satisfied に就いては:
  1: They satisfied us with the result.
  2: We were satisfied with the result (by them).
  3: We were satisfied with the results.
 satisfying に就いては:
  4: We had results which satisfied us.
  5: We had results which (were) satisfying (us).
  6: We had satisfying results.
  7: The results were satisfying.

B) interested と interesting:
 interested に就いては:
  1: They interested us with the results.
  2: We were interested in [with] the results (by them).
  3: We were interested in the results.
 interesting に就いては:
  4: We had results which interested us.
  5: We had results which were interesting (us).
  6: We had interesting results.
  7: The results were interesting.

C) shocked と shocking
 shocked に就いては:
  1: They shocked us with the result.
  2: We were shocked at [with] the result (by them).
  3: We were shocked at the result.
 shocking に就いては:
  4: We had a result which shocked us.
  5: We had a result which (was) shocking (us).
  6: We had a shocking result.
  7: The result was shocking.

D) surprised とsurprising
 surprised に就いては:
  1: They surprised us with the result.
  2: We were surprised at [with] the result.
  3: We were surprised at the result.
 surprising に就いては:
  4: We had a result which surprised us.
  5: We had a result (which was) surprising (us).
  6: We had a surprising result.
  7: The result was surprising.

E) pleased とpleasing
 pleased に就いては:
  1: They pleased us with the result.
  2: We were pleased at [with] the result (by them).
  3: We were pleased at the result.
 pleasing に就いては:
  4: We had a result which pleased us.
  5: We had a result (which was) pleasing (us).
  6: We had a pleasing result.
  7: The result was pleasing.

  如何なる事象にも原因と理由があります。場合によってはそれが見えないだけです。これまで、ブログ 9 回に渡り、今まで単に「熟語?として扱われ、単なる用法の例示を用い説明?とされ続けて来たであろう代表的動詞由来の形容詞 [形容詞 + 副詞句] を挙げ、その成り立ちにつき考えて参りました。ここで何よりも大切なことは、このように考えることによって、英文 writing 上の過ちを防ぐことができ、そして、この様に考える毎に writing が堅固なものとなってゆくという事実です。
  『例示』 と 『説明』 とは全く異なります。例示とは或る事象に係る用法の単なる表示(事象の一端:或る個人的体験の表示)、説明とはその理解の開示(経験と事象の把握を踏まえた集約的見地の開示)です。BEWA は、『単に英文を例示して説明に代える』 ようなことは一切いたしません。
  BEWA で学べば、みえないものがみえるようになります。ツマラナカッタ英語の学習が楽しいものとなります。そして、職場で無理なく確実にビジネス英語が使えるようになります。講座見学一回無償。



2012/09/21 ビジネス英語   林 行雄



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