

必要英語習熟度 :下記講義内容・講義例にチャレンジされる方、他の講座にて十分に習熟された方。
講義日 :水曜日19:30~21:20(応相談)
講義時間 :1回110分
講座日数 :1期12回
講座価格* :1期(12回)84,000円(税込)


日商ビジネス英語検定1級のレベル・出題内容・出題形式 日本商工会議所ウエブより http://www.kentei.ne.jp/english/class01.php
1)レベル 豊富な海外取引の実務経験があり、英語による十分なビジネスコミュニケーション能力を有する。
2)出題内容 英語力とビジネス知識を合わせた総合力を問う問題を出題する。市況レポートに基づく状況分析等、契約書の作成、プレゼンテーションやネゴシエーションの方法なども出題する。
3)出題形式 記述式中心:英文書作成、英文解釈、分析記述など


名古屋T社は新期に開発したハイブリッド車を、V国のM社との合弁契約の下、現地生産する可能性を検討している。其の為、T社専務はV国のM社を訪問し現 地の製造工場を視察ののち帰国した。帰国後、本プロジェクトを実現すべく種々検討を行い、下記の問題点を踏まえた英文レターを送ることにした。

2. 当社では、ハイブリッド車部品の殆どを当社名古屋工場、子会社で製造しているが、其処では定期的に当社による厳重な品質管理がなされ、厳格な規格を満たす高精度な部品が作られている。又、ハイブリッド車には、高精度、高品質の部品が必須である。
3.高精度、高品質のハイブリッド車用部品を製造する為には、産業用ロボットの設置・稼働が必須とされるが、視察したM社工場では製造用ロボットの導入が 全く進んでいない。産業用ロボットの導入、設置、稼働には相応の技術的配慮、綿密な生産ライン整備、従業員の訓練、そして資金が必要となる。
5. 以上、考察すると、当面、当社よりM社に部品を輸出し、M社にてハイブリッド車を組み立て、V国のみならず周辺諸国への市場拡大をも目指すことが得策と考えられる。
6. 当社では目下、上記観点に立ち合弁計画を策定しつつある。これまでの当社検討資料をお送りするので、御社も検討して頂きたい。



The most fundamental concept underlying marketing is that of human needs, which we define as follows: A human need is a state of felt deprivation in a person.          
Human needs are plentiful and complex. They include basic physiological needs  for food, clothing, warmth, and safety; social needs for belonging, influence, and affection; and individual needs for knowledge and self-expression. These needs are not created by Madison Avenue, but are a basic part of human makeup.
When a need is not satisfied, the person is unhappy. An unhappy person will do one of two things - look for an object that will satisfy the need, or try to extinguish the desire. People in industrial societies try to find or develop objects that will satisfy their desires. People in poor societies try to reduce their desires to what is available.
Human wants are the form human needs take as shaped by culture and individual personality. A hungry person in Bali wants mangoes, suckling pig, and beans. A hungry person in the United States wants a hamburger, French fries, and a coke. Wants are described in terms of culturally defined objects that will satisfying, need.
As a society evolves, the wants of its members expand. They are exposed to more objects that pique their curiosity, interest, and desire. Producers take specific actions to build desire for their products. They try to form a connection between what they produce and people's needs. They promote their product as a satisfier of one or more particular needs. The marketer does not create the need; it exists.
Sellers often confuse wants and needs. A manufacturer of drill bits may think that the customer needs a drill bit, but what the customer really needs is a hole. In this sense, there are no products; there are only services performed by products.
Some sellers suffer from "marketing myopia." They are so taken with their products that they focus only on existing wants and lose sight of underlying customer needs. They forget that a physical product is only a tool to solve a consumer problem. These sellers are vulnerable to successor products - if a new product comes along that serves the need better or cheaper, the customer will have the same need but a new want.
People have almost unlimited wants but limited resources. They choose products that produce the most satisfaction for their money. Their wants become demands when backed by purchasing power.
It is easy to list the demands in a given society at a given point in time. In a given year, 230 million Americans might purchase 67 billion eggs, 2 billion chickens, 5 million hair dryers, 133 billion domestic air travel passenger miles, and over 20 million lectures by college English professors. These and other consumer goods and services lead in turn to a demand for more than 150 million tons of steel, 4 billion tons of cotton, and many other industrial goods. These are a few of the demands that get expressed in a $2 trillion economy.
Principles of Marketing (Philip Kotler) PP 4-6 より引用

1. 下線の部分を和訳せよ。

2. lose sight of underlying customer needs. とは、具体的にどのようなことを云っているのか。本文中の例を挙げて説明せよ。


The foregoing obligations of confidentiality shall not apply to any CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION:
(a) which is now, or which hereafter becomes generally available to the public through any means,
   otherwise than through a breach of this Agreement by ABC Co., Ltd.,

(b) which ABC Co., Ltd. can show was in its possession at the time of disclosure and which was not
acquired directly or indirectly from DEF Co., Ltd.,

(c) which has been rightfully acquired by ABC Co. Ltd. from a third party who did not obtain it under
pledge of secrecy to DEF Co., Ltd.,

(d) which has been independently developed by or for ABC Co. Ltd. as evidenced by written records,

(e) the disclosure of which is required by a governmental regulation or an order of a competent court.




次の英文は其々、1. Incoterms 2010 及び 2. Incoterms 2000からの引用である。其々の英文を読み以下の設問に答えよ。
1. ”Free On Board” means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel nominated by the buyer by the buyer at the named port of shipment or procures the goods already so delivered. The risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the goods are on board the vessel, and the buyer bears all costs from that moment onwards.

2. ”Free On Board” means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the point. The FOB term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. This term can be used only sea or inland waterway transport. If the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ship’s rail, the FCA term should be used.




*日商ビジネス英語検定1級は日本商工会議所及び各地商工会議所が実施する検定試験です。英語力とビジネス知識を合わせた総合力が問われます。詳しくはこちら (商工会議所ホームページ) 合格するとこのような証書(カード状の物)が送付されます。


